Herd or Flock Faecal Egg Count (FEC) Test Kit

£30.00 per test

This Faecal Egg Count (FEC) test is a cost effective way of determining the average gastrointestinal parasitic burden of a group of birds or farm animals.  Animals should live together, be healthy, be of the same species and of similar age and reproductive status.  This faecal screen is for up to 10 animals and will produce a single result.  Please note that this screen is not suitable for companion animals, reptiles or equines.

Where a group of farm animals or avians of the same species, similar ages and similar health conditions are living together, a group sample is appropriate.  Please note this is not a suitable procedure for companion animals or reptiles, who always require individual screens.  If you are a breeder of companion animals, please contact the office to discuss the most appropriate testing regime. In groups of over 10 animals, it is recommended to sample from at least 10% of the group. This screen is designed to test up to 10 animals (of the same species and ideally similar ages) per pool test.

This kit includes outward and 24 hour TRACKED return postage.

Order this Faecal Egg Count (FEC) before 3pm Monday-Friday for free same day dispatch, which we send on a 24 hour service.  If your screen is urgent and you would prefer to send a sample directly to the lab, please contact us and we will give you a Unique Lab Reference number and help you with what to do.

We currently have £30 discount off the combined herd/flock sample and PCR Haemonchus contortus (barber pole) Test.  That enhanced test package includes this test plus a PCR test for barber pole and is priced at £83.70 but is currently available for just an extra £28.70 top up from this screen, by using the discount code provided on the product page.  Full details can be found here.

Related tests

Further information

The purpose of herd/flock screening is to economically determine if there is an internal parasite burden within the groups as a whole, at the time of taking the samples.  If so, the species of parasite will be identified, so that targeted and appropriate treatment can be given to the group. Our herd/flock worm egg screen is very comprehensive, providing the same level of accurate identification as the individual worm egg screen, but is representative of the group.  All the same worms and protozoa are screened for as in the individual screen.

Where a group of farm animals or avians of the same species, similar ages and similar health conditions are living together, a group sample is appropriate.  Please note this is not a suitable procedure for companion animals or reptiles, who always require individual screens.  If you are a breeder of companion animals, please contact the office to discuss the most appropriate testing regime.

In groups of over 10 animals, it is recommended to sample from at least 10% of the group. This screen is designed to test up to 10 animals (of the same species and ideally similar ages) per pool test.

The sample will be combined in the lab and several sub-samples will be tested individually, the results will then be averaged and reported as one single group average value.

The sample should be from as many of the 10 animals as possible.  We suggest that one way to achieve this is to get the animals contained in a corner/pen for approximately 15 minutes and then release them, then collect approximately 10 x 3 gram samples from 10 different faeces in this area. Please note that the group result will be reported as one single group average.  If you are particularly concerned about one individual, we would always recommend they are removed, tested and treated separately from the group.

This kit includes:

  • One recyclable padded envelope, made with 60% recycled material
  • Free tracked return 24hr postage
  • One yellow paper laboratory request form and test and instruction sheet
  • One scented bag

How does it work?

1. Choose and
order your kit

Select the screens you would like to run for your animal and we will post you a collection kit

2. Send us a
sample for testing

Collect your animals faecal sample and post it to us for testing in our laboratory

3. Receive your
results via email

Free Registered Animal Medicines Advisor (RAMA) aftercare is available where required.

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Faecal Egg Count (FEC)
Herd or Flock Faecal Egg Count (FEC) Test Kit